Five-star reviews and a worry-free stay for your guests
Five-star reviews and a worry-free stay for your guests
Five-star reviews and a worry-free stay for your guests
Five-star reviews and a worry-free stay for your guests
First month free, then €9.99 per month
First month free, then €9.99 per month
Cancel anytime
Cancel anytime
Perfect for vacation homes, recreational parks, and hotels
Perfect for vacation homes, recreational parks, and hotels
Sign up
Sign up
Add accommodation(s)
Add accommodation(s)
Add or link reservation(s)
Add or link reservation(s)
GuestButler will get started for you!
GuestButler will get started for you!
Prevent bad reviews before they occur.
Prevent bad reviews before they occur.
GuestButler handles 80% of the common questions and complaints for you. Is there an urgent complaint or question? Then GuestButler forwards the question to you! This way, you are always on time and prevent bad reviews before they occur!
GuestButler handles 80% of the common questions and complaints for you. Is there an urgent complaint or question? Then GuestButler forwards the question to you! This way, you are always on time and prevent bad reviews before they occur!
Prevent bad reviews before they arise
Prevent bad reviews before they arise
Escalates complaints when necessary
Escalates complaints when necessary
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Great service! We had an amazing time during our stay.
Save 60+ minutes per stay and improve the guest experience.
Save 60+ minutes per stay and improve the guest experience.
Works in WhatsApp
Works in WhatsApp
Handles frequently asked questions and complaints
Provides valuable tips and suggestions
Sends guests updates about their stay
Collects feedback from your guests after their stay
Handles frequently asked questions and complaints
Handles frequently asked questions and complaints
Handles frequently asked questions and complaints
Provides valuable tips and suggestions
Provides valuable tips and suggestions
Provides valuable tips and suggestions
Sends guests updates about their stay
Sends guests updates about their stay
Sends guests updates about their stay
Collects feedback from your guests after their stay
Collects feedback from your guests after their stay
Collects feedback from your guests after their stay
Uses all relevant accommodation information
Uses all relevant accommodation information
By uploading the details of your apartment, GuestButler learns everything it needs to know to provide your guests with answers, tips, and surprising suggestions during their stay.
By uploading the details of your apartment, GuestButler learns everything it needs to know to provide your guests with answers, tips, and surprising suggestions during their stay.
Take into account the check-in and check-out dates
Take into account the check-in and check-out dates
Trained on the unique data of your home
Trained on the unique data of your home
What do users say about GuestButler?
132 apartment and hotel owners went before you.
Marie Vredenburg
Hotel De Luwte Terschelling
Extremely satisfied with GuestButler. It saves us plenty of hours now that fewer questions are coming in. And fantastic reviews! Definitely recommended :)
Mark Stekelenburg
Owner White Sands Curaçao
After two tests, we are sure about the Whatsapp Butler. It actually functions! It responds to most questions.
Anton Koopman
Owner 't Hoge Huys Veluwe
I was skeptical at first. However, I find that thanks to GuestButler, we spend less time addressing problems and can focus more on improving the experience for our visitors.
Dick Jatula
Owner Beachhouse UMA
My guests let me know that they found our customer service very attentive. However, that was GuestButler.
Erik Goedhart
Hotel De Streektuin
I was hesitant because I assumed it would lead to less personal interaction, but the opposite is true. We can now spend more time on personal communication with our guests, instead of dealing with problems.
Mark Stekelenburg
Owner White Sands Curaçao
After two tests, we are sure about the Whatsapp Butler. It actually functions! It responds to most questions.
Peter Luth
Landlord Apartment By Neighborhood
This is amazing. A hassle-free Whatsapp butler without any fuss.
Maarten Polowski
Hotel Cloud
Glad that this idea comes from apartment owners. I feel very connected to this issue!
Marlon Aanen
Owner De Witte Hoeve
Well thought out! And my guests appreciate it too!
Gijs Bourgonje
Owner Venti Nos Overveen
Unbelievable that I'm using an AI bot for my hotel. However, it saves me quite a bit of time. Amazing!
Marie Vredenburg
Hotel De Luwte Terschelling
Extremely satisfied with GuestButler. It saves us a lot of hours now that fewer questions are coming in. And fantastic reviews! Definitely recommended :)
Dick Jatula
Owner Beachhouse UMA
My guests let me know that they found our customer service very attentive. However, that was GuestButler.
Maarten Polowski
Hotel Cloud
Glad that this idea comes from apartment owners. I feel very connected to this issue!
Mark Stekelenburg
Owner White Sands Curaçao
After two tests, we are sure about the Whatsapp Butler. It actually functions! It responds to most questions.
Erik Goedhart
Hotel De Streektuin
I was hesitant because I assumed it would lead to less personal interaction, but the opposite is true. We can now spend more time on personal communication with our guests, instead of dealing with problems.
Marlon Aanen
Owner De Witte Hoeve
Well thought out! And my guests appreciate it too!
Anton Koopman
Owner 't Hoge Huys Veluwe
At first, I was skeptical. However, I find that thanks to GuestButler, we spend less time addressing issues and can instead focus more on improving the experience for our guests.
Peter Luth
Landlord Apartment By Neighborhood
This is amazing. A hassle-free WhatsApp butler without any fuss.
Gijs Bourgonje
Owner Venti Nos Overveen
Unbelievable that I'm using an AI bot for my hotel. However, it saves me quite a bit of time. Amazing!
What do users say about GuestButler?
132 apartment and hotel owners went before you.
Marie Vredenburg
Hotel De Luwte Terschelling
Extremely satisfied with GuestButler. It saves us plenty of hours now that fewer questions are coming in. And fantastic reviews! Definitely recommended :)
Mark Stekelenburg
Owner White Sands Curaçao
After two tests, we are sure about the Whatsapp Butler. It actually functions! It responds to most questions.
Anton Koopman
Owner 't Hoge Huys Veluwe
I was skeptical at first. However, I find that thanks to GuestButler, we spend less time addressing problems and can focus more on improving the experience for our visitors.
Dick Jatula
Owner Beachhouse UMA
My guests let me know that they found our customer service very attentive. However, that was GuestButler.
Erik Goedhart
Hotel De Streektuin
I was hesitant because I assumed it would lead to less personal interaction, but the opposite is true. We can now spend more time on personal communication with our guests, instead of dealing with problems.
Mark Stekelenburg
Owner White Sands Curaçao
After two tests, we are sure about the Whatsapp Butler. It actually functions! It responds to most questions.
Peter Luth
Landlord Apartment By Neighborhood
This is amazing. A hassle-free Whatsapp butler without any fuss.
Maarten Polowski
Hotel Cloud
Glad that this idea comes from apartment owners. I feel very connected to this issue!
Marlon Aanen
Owner De Witte Hoeve
Well thought out! And my guests appreciate it too!
Gijs Bourgonje
Owner Venti Nos Overveen
Unbelievable that I'm using an AI bot for my hotel. However, it saves me quite a bit of time. Amazing!
Marie Vredenburg
Hotel De Luwte Terschelling
Extremely satisfied with GuestButler. It saves us a lot of hours now that fewer questions are coming in. And fantastic reviews! Definitely recommended :)
Dick Jatula
Owner Beachhouse UMA
My guests let me know that they found our customer service very attentive. However, that was GuestButler.
Maarten Polowski
Hotel Cloud
Glad that this idea comes from apartment owners. I feel very connected to this issue!
Mark Stekelenburg
Owner White Sands Curaçao
After two tests, we are sure about the Whatsapp Butler. It actually functions! It responds to most questions.
Erik Goedhart
Hotel De Streektuin
I was hesitant because I assumed it would lead to less personal interaction, but the opposite is true. We can now spend more time on personal communication with our guests, instead of dealing with problems.
Marlon Aanen
Owner De Witte Hoeve
Well thought out! And my guests appreciate it too!
Anton Koopman
Owner 't Hoge Huys Veluwe
At first, I was skeptical. However, I find that thanks to GuestButler, we spend less time addressing issues and can instead focus more on improving the experience for our guests.
Peter Luth
Landlord Apartment By Neighborhood
This is amazing. A hassle-free WhatsApp butler without any fuss.
Gijs Bourgonje
Owner Venti Nos Overveen
Unbelievable that I'm using an AI bot for my hotel. However, it saves me quite a bit of time. Amazing!
The co-pilot for your guest experience.
The co-pilot for your guest experience.
Try for free for 30 days
per month
Try it free for 30 days
50 reservations per year*
Always cancellable
Try for free for 30 days
per month
Try for free for 30 days
50 reservations per year*
Always cancellable
5 or fewer units
per month
Try it free for 30 days
50 reservations per year*
Always cancellable
5 or fewer units
per month
Try it free for 30 days
50 reservations per year*
Always cancellable
*Need more reservations? Contact us for a custom proposal.
*Need more reservations? Contact us for a custom proposal.
We are happy to assist you.
At GuestButler, customer and guest experience is central, and we love to show that to our own customers. Questions? Feel free to call us!
We are happy to assist you.
At GuestButler, customer and guest experience is central, and we love to show that to our own customers. Questions? Feel free to call us!
We are happy to assist you.
At GuestButler, customer and guest experience is central, and we love to show that to our own customers. Questions? Feel free to call us!
Who is GuestButler for?
Who is GuestButler for?
Who is GuestButler for?
Who is GuestButler for?
How does GuestButler save me time?
How does GuestButler save me time?
How does GuestButler save me time?
How does GuestButler save me time?
How does GuestButler get in touch with my guests?
How does GuestButler get in touch with my guests?
How does GuestButler get in touch with my guests?
How does GuestButler get in touch with my guests?
What happens to requests or complaints from guests?
What happens to requests or complaints from guests?
What happens to requests or complaints from guests?
What happens to requests or complaints from guests?
Does GuestButler communicate via other channels besides WhatsApp?
Does GuestButler communicate via other channels besides WhatsApp?
Does GuestButler communicate via other channels besides WhatsApp?
Does GuestButler communicate via other channels besides WhatsApp?
Does GuestButler also collect reviews?
Does GuestButler also collect reviews?
Does GuestButler also collect reviews?
Does GuestButler also collect reviews?
How is it that GuestButler feels personal?
How is it that GuestButler feels personal?
How is it that GuestButler feels personal?
How is it that GuestButler feels personal?
Part of
Address details
MediArena 5-8
1114 BC
© 2024 GuestButler B.V.
Naar Nederlands
Achmea Services N.V.
Statutory established at Handelsweg 2 in Zeist, Chamber of Commerce number: 34136016
VAT identification number: NL.8033.34.977.B01
Part of
Part of
Address details
MediArena 5-8
1114 BC
© 2024 GuestButler B.V.
Naar Nederlands
Achmea Services N.V.
Statutory established at Handelsweg 2 in Zeist, Chamber of Commerce number: 34136016
VAT identification number: NL.8033.34.977.B01
Part of